Ruth’s House is a loving home for young single mothers that encourages and equips them to make positive changes in their lives, care for their children, and build their own futures.

Thank You to everyone who joined our Annual Charity Golf Classic and made the event an incredible success!

And a huge thank you to our 2024 Charity Golf Classic Silver Sponsors

Ruth’s House believes that all mothers are worthy of love and support, regardless of their circumstances. Yet we know that so many young women feel like they are facing their challenges alone. They are trying to raise their children and take care of themselves without having a place to turn for help.

Ruth’s House will be a loving home for single moms in need of support; a place where they will be encouraged and equipped to build bright futures for themselves and their children.


When Julie called out of work one day and showed up the next battered and bruised, her supervisor Marcella realized she was in danger. Marcella opened her home to Julie that night, and Julie was able to spend her first night away from her abuser in years.