January Update

We are so excited to kick off a new year of hope and possibility with you! Over the coming months, we will be working hard to bring the Ruth’s House vision to life—and we want to keep you in the loop as we do so. Every month, we’ll send a newsletter that celebrates the key moments of the past month and highlights what’s coming next. We can’t wait to share this journey with you—and we encourage you to invite your friends to receive these messages, too, by subscribing to the Ruth’s House email list!

Thank you for coming alongside us as we create a safe place for single mothers and their children to learn, grow, and build their futures. We can’t wait for what’s ahead!

With gratitude,

Jeanne Korman


Save the Date

As we build this community, we will be hosting quarterly calls to provide updates, answer questions, and connect (virtually, for now) with one another. Save the date for the first of these calls on Tuesday, March 23—and stay tuned for more information coming soon about these conversations. ​


Join the Prayer Team

As we look ahead to Lent, we are anticipating a season of prayer and reflection. If you are interested in praying for Ruth’s House this winter and spring, join our Prayer Team. You’ll receive prayer requests via email and have opportunities to join prayer calls with other team members. ​


Watch the December Call Recording

In December, we hosted our kick-off call to share the vision of Ruth’s House. If you missed this conversation or would like to revisit it, check out the recording now. It’s a great place to learn more about the significant challenges single moms face, get an inside look at our vision for what is possible, and hear how Ruth’s House got started. ​


Support Ruth's House Year Round

One of the best ways to support Ruth’s House is by setting up a monthly gift. Your consistent, reliable giving will help us set our budget, launch new initiatives, and plan for the future. By becoming a monthly donor, you’ll be part of our core team, bringing the Ruth’s House vision to life. This vision is big and bold—and it depends upon people like you! Join our team today by setting up your monthly gift (of any size!) right now!


Jeanne’s Story