March Update
For the last year, we have been praying for a place for Ruth's House to call home. We met with realtors, searched neighborhoods, and toured properties—and this month, we found a house we love!
It's a gift and an answer to prayer, and it also presents an immediate challenge: We need to raise $500,000 to purchase this property. A home for a community of women is a large investment—and, to be candid, it is one that we can only make with your help.
As you consider how you can be part of this exciting next step for Ruth's House, I encourage you to think about who in your network might like to learn more about our journey. As always, I invite you to hope and pray with us!
Thank you for being part of this community and helping us move toward this next big step. Please take a moment to check out what else we accomplished and celebrated in March! It's been a busy month—and we can't wait for all that is ahead!
Jeanne Korman
We celebrated International Women's Day.
On March 8, we joined friends around the world to honor International Women’s Day. March is also Women’s History Month, so we’ve continued the celebration all month long. This year, the global theme for International Women’s Day was “Choose to Challenge.” Read more about what that means to us on our blog.
We honored single moms.
Ruth’s House was started by and for single moms. During Women’s History Month, we honored single moms throughout history on our blog. Learn about a few of the women who’ve inspired us with their stories of overcoming their circumstances to make history—all while caring for their families.
Our prayer team prayed through Lent.
As Easter approaches, we’ve been praying for abundance—that the women and children who come to live in Ruth’s House will experience an abundance of grace and joy, that our organization will flourish, and that our community feels our abundance of gratitude for their continued generosity. If you’d like to join our prayer team, you can sign up here to receive regular updates and prayer requests.
We launched social media accounts.
Our Facebook and Instagram pages are now live! Make sure you’re following along to receive the latest updates about Ruth’s House. We can’t wait to share more of our story with you on social media.